Policies & Procedures

Federal Programs

The federal government offers Linwood Public Charter School multiple grants to ensure all students have a fair, equitable, and high-quality education. Services are also provided to administrators, teachers, support staff, students, parents, and the community at large.

For questions, contact: Cassaundra Anderson, Federal Grants Coordinator canderson@linwoodcharter.org

Title I – Part A

Improving Basic Programs

Foster Care
To ensure that students in foster care experience minimal educational disruption as the result of foster care placement and receive the same opportunities as their peers to develop the skills necessary to be successful in school and life.

McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Students and Youth Program
Provides support services to students experiencing homelessness; creates greater awareness and sensitivity of Linwood Public Charter School staff about ways to identify students who may be experiencing homelessness; and provides additional services to these students to increase their chances for academic success.

Parent and Family Engagement
Parent and family engagement include regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities. Family-school collaboration is a cooperative process of planning that brings together Linwood Public Charter School staff, parents, students, and community members to maximize resources for students’ achievement and development.

Title II – Part A

Supporting Effective Instruction
The purpose of Title II, Part A is to increase student academic achievement consistent with challenging State academic standards, improve the quality and effectiveness of educators, increase the number of educators who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools, and provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective educators.

Title IV – Part A

Student Support and Academic Enrichments Grants
The purpose of Title IV, Part A is to improve students’ academic achievement by providing all students with access to a well-rounded education, improving school conditions for student learning, and improving the use of technology in order to improve academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.

Title IX

Below is important public information regarding Title IX.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Programs

The purpose of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is to ensure all students with disabilities are provided a free appropriate public education including special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs. This includes, but is not limited to, protecting the rights of students with disabilities and their families; providing tools to improve educational results for students with disabilities by supporting system improvement activities, and supporting personnel preparation.

Non-discrimination Policy

TLPCS is committed to ensuring equal educational opportunities for all students, on a space available basis, and shall not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, creed, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, mental or physical disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, or proficiency in the English language or a foreign language, and academic achievement. LPCS may limit enrollment to specific grade levels and may structure curriculum around areas of focus such as mathematics, science, or the arts.

Transportation Policy

Policies & Procedures

Federal Programs

The federal government offers Linwood Public Charter School multiple grants to ensure all students have a fair, equitable, and high-quality education. Services are also provided to administrators, teachers, support staff, students, parents, and the community-at-large.

For questions, contact: Cassaundra Anderson, Federal Grants Coordinator canderson@linwoodcharter.org

Title I – Part A

Improving Basic Programs

Foster Care
To ensure that students in foster care experience minimal educational disruption as the result of foster care placement and receive the same opportunities as their peers to develop the skills necessary to be successful in school and life.

McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Students and Youth Program
Provides support services to students experiencing homelessness; creates greater awareness and sensitivity of Linwood Public Charter School staff about ways to identify students who may be experiencing homelessness; and provides additional services to these students to increase their chances for academic success.

Parent and Family Engagement
Parent and family engagement include regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities. Family-school collaboration is a cooperative process of planning that brings together Linwood Public Charter School staff, parents, students, and community members to maximize resources for students’ achievement and development.

Title II – Part A

Supporting Effective Instruction
The purpose of Title II, Part A is to increase student academic achievement consistent with challenging State academic standards, improve the quality and effectiveness of educators, increase the number of educators who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools, and provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective educators.

Title IV – Part A

Student Support and Academic Enrichments Grants
The purpose of Title IV, Part A is to improve students’ academic achievement by providing all students with access to a well-rounded education, improving school conditions for student learning, and improving the use of technology in order to improve academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.

Title IX

Below is important public information regarding Title IX.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Programs

The purpose of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is to ensure all students with disabilities are provided a free appropriate public education including special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs. This includes, but is not limited to, protecting the rights of students with disabilities and their families; providing tools to improve educational results for students with disabilities by supporting system improvement activities, and supporting personnel preparation.

Non-discrimination Policy

TLPCS is committed to ensuring equal educational opportunities for all students, on a space available basis, and shall not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, creed, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, mental or physical disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, or proficiency in the English language or a foreign language, and academic achievement. LPCS may limit enrollment to specific grade levels and may structure curriculum around areas of focus such as mathematics, science, or the arts.

Transportation Policy

Discipline Handbook
LPCS Wellness Policy
Uniform Policy
Discipline Handbook
LPCS Wellness Policy
Uniform Policy
Discipline Handbook
LPCS Wellness Policy
Uniform Policy

Homeless Education Policy

For questions, please contact:
Talya Scroggins, Homeless Liaison
Download Homeless
Education Policy
DOE Title VII Homeless
Assistance Act Referral Form

Homeless Education Policy

For questions, please contact:
Talya Scroggins, Homeless Liaison
Download Homeless
Education Policy
DOE Title VII Homeless
Assistance Act Referral Form